We are supported by our sponsors

Iniciativa Proxima leverages the power of science and education to drive social changes. We are thankful for the Institutional support from:

We invite you to join us as a sponsor for our umbrella programs, including the Proxima Symposium in December 2023, which is critical to realizing this future.

Here you can find our sponsorship package. As a sponsor of Iniciativa Proxima, you will be part of our large community supporting scientists in Brazil and scientists from Brazil worldwide.

Sponsorship Levels

Diamond Sponsor - $25,000

At this level of sponsorship, you would be considered a diamond sponsor with the following benefits:
  • Exhibit area in the Iniciativa Proxima Symposium 2023 (if requested)
  • Electronic totem in the Iniciativa Proxima Symposium 2023 (if requested)
  • Quarterly sponsor mention on Iniciativa Proxima social media by @iniproxima
  • Prominent logo presentation on social media and event materials, print and digital, distributed by the Iniciativa Proxima and our partners.
  • Prominent presentation of logo on event signage.
  • Your sponsorship included in event coverage in publications, annual report, and news published by Yale News.
  • Your sponsorship included in additional event media coverage.
  • Four free registrations to attend the conference.

Platinum Sponsor - $15,000

At this level of sponsorship, you would be considered a platinum sponsor with the following benefits:
  • Exhibit area in the Iniciativa Proxima Symposium 2023 (if requested)
  • Electronic totem in the Iniciativa Proxima Symposium 2023 (if requested)
  • Quarterly sponsor mention on Iniciativa Proxima social media by @iniproxima
  • Logo presentation on social media and event materials, print and digital, distributed by the Iniciativa Proxima and our partners.
  • Logo on event signage.
  • Your sponsorship included in event coverage in publications, annual report, and news published by Yale News.
  • Your sponsorship included in additional event media coverage.
  • Two free registrations to attend the conference.

Gold Sponsor - $10,000

At this level of sponsorship, you would be considered a gold sponsor with the following benefits:
  • Exhibit area in the Iniciativa Proxima Symposium 2023 (if requested)
  • Electronic totem in the Iniciativa Proxima Symposium 2023 (if requested)
  • Bi-annual sponsor mention on Iniciativa Proxima social media by @iniproxima
  • Logo presentation on social media and event materials, print and digital, distributed by the Iniciativa Proxima and our partners.
  • Logo on event signage.
  • Your sponsorship included in event coverage in publications, annual report, and news published by Yale News.
  • Your sponsorship included in additional event media coverage.
  • One free registration to attend the conference.

Silver Sponsor - $2,000

At this level of sponsorship, you would be considered a silver sponsor with the following benefits:
  • Annual sponsor mention on Iniciativa Proxima social media by @iniproxima
  • Logo presentation on social media and event materials, print and digital, distributed by the Iniciativa Proxima and our partners.
  • Logo on event signage.

Other Sponsors - any amount

At this level of sponsorship, you would have the following benefits:
  • Logo presentation on Iniciativa Proxima website
  • Logo on event signage.

Contact information for Sponship Packages

In Brazil:
  • Pedro Schuch Mallmann, President of Fundo Amanhã - pedro@fundoamanha.com
  • Ricardo Calle Lautert, Captação Fundo Amanhã - ricardo@fundoamanha.com
In the United States of America:
  • Marcelo de O. Dietrich, Director, Iniciativa Proxima - marcelo.dietrich@yale.edu

For general questions, please email sponsor@proximasymposium.org

We also invite you to make a donation to our umbrella programs, including the Proxima Symposium in December 2023. Click here for more information.