Registration & Abstract submission

Registrations are now closed.

Registration for the 2023 Proxima Symposium are closed as of Novemeber 1st.

For presenters: Click here for instructions on how to prepare your poster or oral presentation.

In the interest of prioritizing early-career trainees (undergraduate and master's students), we require that you submit a YouTube link for a video up to 90 seconds, in English, answering the following question: What do you like the most about science and how will the symposium advance your career?

We are accepting Abstract submissions for those interested in presenting (oral or poster presentation). You must submit your Abstract information when registering. See below for rules and guidelines for your Abstract submission.

The registration fee includes two happy hours, five coffee breaks, one workshop, and one networking lunch with the speakers over 3 full days (December 11-13). The registration also includes the optional Pre-Symposium Workshop on December 10. Given limited availability, priority will be given to applicants who submit an abstract for presentation.

Key registration dates

2021/2022 Iniciativa Proxima Scholars and Associates: June 2 - July 17

During this registration perdiod, only 2021/2022 Iniciativa Proxima affiliates will be able to register. All submissions must include an abstract. Abstract acceptance will be sent by August 27.

Undergraduate and Graduate students: September 2 - October 2

During this registration period, undergraduate and graduate students from any institution may register. Abstract submission is optional and conditional on availability.

Open to everyone: October 3 - October 30 (new date!)

During this registration period, anyone interested in attending the Symposium may register. Abstract submissions will not be accepted and participants are not elible for a travel award.

Registration type Fee (R$)
2021/2022 Proxima Scholars Free
2021/2022 Proxima Associates 50
Undergraduate student 100
Graduate student (MSc or PhD) 150
Postdoctoral researcher 250
Faculty 450
Others 450

Payment information

Payment for registration will be through the Brazilian electronic payment system PIX. Following the end of the registration deadline (see table above), you will receive an email indicating if your registration is confirmed and payment instructions.

Policy on registration cancellation

All registration cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to Cancelation requests received 30 days before the Symposium will incur a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the registration value. Cancelation requests after this date will not be permitted. Registration fees may be transferred to another person.

Travel Grants

We will provide travel grants to a select number of students that were part of the Iniciativa Proxima Mentoring Program. More information soon.

Abstract submission

To request financial support (e.g., registration waiver or a travel grant), you must submit an abstract.

Register for the Proxima Symposium and apply to be selected for an oral or poster presentation. The Scientific Committee will select up to 12 abstract submissions to present as short talks (15 minutes presentation). In addition, up to 60 abstract submissions will be selected for poster presentations (concurrent with the happy hour on Monday or Tuesday). Undergraduate and graduate students are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract.

Guidelines for abstract submission

Abstract title should appear in bold, capitalized, and have up to 100 characters (not including spaces). Abstract body text must have a maximum of 500 words. Please keep the following structure in mind when writing your abstract: Background (introduction, aims), methodology, results and conclusion. Please include 3 to 5 keywords. You may optionally include up to one figure, which must be accompanied by a caption. Font should be Times New Roman, font size at least 12-point, with 1.5 line spacing, justified. Margins should be at least 0.5". Abstracts must be submitted as a PDF file. Please use the template linked below. Do not ask for access to the file, simply create a personal copy.

Each participant is allowed to submit one abstract as the presenting author. You may be an author in more than one abstract but will not be allowed to present more than one. Please verify you abstracts for clearness, conciseness, and correctness of spelling and grammar in advance of submission. Each submitted abstract should only have one presenting author. Abstracts must be submitted in English and if selected for presentation, all content (talk or poster) must be presented in English.

Evaluation criteria

Abstract evaluation will be double-blind and evaluated by 3 committee members. Authors are responsible for anonymizing their submissions. Do not include author names, author affiliations, or acknowledgments in the abstract, body, or figures of the submission. If you need to cite one of your own publications, use anonymization to preserve double-blind reviewing (e.g., write "in previous works [1]...” instead of β€œin our previous work [1]...”).

Abstract submissions will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: significance, originality, clarity and relevance to the symposium audience. Selected abstracts will be informed if they were selected for Poster or Oral presentation.

For question on abstract submission, please send an email to